The c programming syntax is very esay and simple to understanding the c programming language,the following basic example of c syntax.
C is case-sensitive. The declaration int x is different from int X. All instructions must be written in lower case letters.
All statements must end with the terminating character – semicolon ‘;’
White space denotes blanks and tabs.
White space should be used in between keywords and identifiers.
The characters that compose the C language syntax are grouped as follows:
Letters – This includes all alphabets (a-z, A-Z).
Digits – Numbers from 0 to 9.
Special Characters – The special characters in C include: semicolon (;), colon (:), period (.), underscore (_), ampersand (&) and more.
White Space
C Identifiers
In C programming, identifiers are names that are used to refer to variables, functions, constants and user-defined data. There exists a set of rules that should be followed when creating identifiers:
Identifiers should only have alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). The only non-alphanumeric character that can be used is the underscore (_).
The first character can only be an alphabet or an underscore (_). Numbers are not allowed to start a variable name (int 8var).
Identifiers are sensitive to case. Therefore int var is different from int Var or int VAR;
No special characters aside from the underscore are allowed to be used in an identifier.