How To Create New Cloudflare Account


Welcome to Veewom ,this video is the second video of our CloudFlare series and in this video, we will show you how to create a new CloudFlare account and setup a new website in CloudFlare , so let's start today video.

Step 01

Open any web browser and open google, after open google type CloudFlare in the search box and hit the search button, in the search result google show first result of CloudFlare website and open this website.

Step 03

After successfully open CloudFlare website, click on sign up button to create a new account in CloudFlare.

Step 03

After clicking on sign up button open a sign up form, here you can enter your regular email address and choose you a strong password and click on create account button below.

Step 04

Here you can see CloudFlare process is started, here simply enter your website domain name and click on scan dns record button.

Step 05

Here scanning process is the start, this process takes few second to scan your domain DNS record, wait for a just second to do this process.

Step 06

After successfully complete scanning, click on continue button.

Step 07

Here look your domain default DNS record, click on the continue button.

Step 08

In this video series I will show all process based on CloudFlare free website plan, so in this video, I will choose CloudFlare free plan, you can choose any plan, listed below.

Step 09

Here is most importance step of CloudFlare setup, here CloudFlare nameservers, so you can change this nameserver in your domain provider account for example I used GoDaddy for manage domain and hosting, so you can log in your domain provider account, here I login in my GoDaddy account.

Step 10

Here paste your CloudFlare nameserver and click on save button below.

Step 11

After successfully change nameserver, go to aging CloudFlare website and click on continue button.

Step 12

After click on continue button, wait a moment your website is active on CloudFlare.

Step 13

Here is look, my website is successful active on CloudFlare.

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