Function |
Description |
connection_aborted() |
Check whether client disconnected |
connection_status() |
Returns connection status bitfield |
constant() |
Returns the value of a constant |
define() |
Defines a named constant |
defined() |
Checks whether a given named constant exists |
die() |
Equivalent to exit |
eval() |
Evaluate a string as PHP code |
exit() |
Output a message and terminate the current script |
get_browser() |
Tells what the user's browser is capable of |
__halt_compiler() |
Halts the compiler execution |
highlight_file () |
Syntax highlighting of a file |
highlight_string() |
Syntax highlighting of a string |
ignore_user_abort() |
Set whether a client disconnect should abort script execution |
pack() |
Pack data into binary string |
php_check_syntax() |
Check the PHP syntax of (and execute) the specified file |
php_strip_whitespace() |
Return source with stripped comments and whitespace |
show_source |
Alias of highlight_file |
sleep() |
Delay execution |
sys_getloadavg() |
Gets system load average |
time_nanosleep() |
Delay for a number of seconds and nanoseconds |
time_sleep_until() |
Make the script sleep until the specified time |
uniqid() |
Generate a unique ID |
unpack() |
Unpack data from binary string |
usleep() |
Delay execution in microseconds |