How To Undelete Blog On Blogger If It’s Permaently Deleted

Do you have accidentally deleted a blog and searching for how to Undelete Blog? Then you are in the right place. Here we are going to give a proper solution to How To recover and undelete your deleted blog.

This is the most asked question nowadays that how to recover a deleted blog. Many people accidentally delete their blogs and after that, they realize the importance of that blog.

In that case, they have nothing in their hand and also have no proper idea on how to undelete blog. So we are coming with this article where you will find all the procedures to recover your deleted blogs.

Why Do You need To Undelete Blog?

There are many reasons for undeleting a blog. Sometimes you have accidentally deleted your blog and need to recover that.

Also, sometimes you need your deleted blog again for some important data left in that. In that case, you search for some way to undelete a blog.

If you want to delete your blogger blog we have a separate article on that. You can read it here.

How To Undelete Blogger Blog?

For example, you have deleted a blogger blog and that blog contains some important data on it. In that case, you need to recover that blog.  So we always recommend taking a complete bake up before deleting a blog.

It is very easy to undelete a blogger blog within 90 days of deletion when deleted in normal ways. Because Google stores your blog for 90 days in its server and you can restore that if you needed.

But after 90 days your blog will be permanently deleted from Google’s server. In that case, it is mostly impossible to recover your deleted blogger blog.

Follow These Steps To Undelete Blogger Blog

  • First, open Blogger and log in to your account
  • Under the left drop-down menu click on the arrow.
  • You will find the name of your blog under the Deleted Blog Section.

Undelete Blog

  • You will see all the deleted blogs under that section.
  • Click on the Blog You Want To Restore.
  • It will show you either you want to delete your blog permanently or to undelete it.

How To Undelete A Blogger Blog

  • If you want to delete your blog permanently than click on PERMANENTLY DELETE. But if you want to undelete your blog, simply click on UNDELETE.
  • Now your blog is restored back to its original form with all its content.

The above process only works if your blog is not permanently deleted. But what to do if your blog is permanently deleted. There is also a process to undelete your permanently deleted blog.

How To Restore A Permanently Deleted Blog?

If your blogger blog is permanently deleted and you need to restore it then it is not an easy task. But don’t worry, we are here to help you.

You have to follow some steps to restore your deleted blog. Let’s do it.

But before doing these steps make sure your blog was indexed in search engines like Google before it got deleted. Because if your blog was not indexed by Google then it is impossible to recover your blog.

We hope that your deleted blog was indexed by Google before deleting. So to undelete your deleted blogger blog you have to follow these steps.

Before starting the restoration process we would like to introduce some tools which we are using for this process.

What Are The Tools Needed To Restore Permanently Deleted Blogger Blog?

You need two tools for restoring your permanently deleted blog.

  1. Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine
  2. Google Web Cache

Let’s discuss what these tools are:

1. Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine

It is the online database of all publicly accessible internet data including webpages, images, and multimedia. In simple language, it the search engine of all deleted data.

It crawls all the URLs related to the website and downloads them if they are previously crawled by search engines. If your deleted site was indexed by Google then there are stronger chances that it would be available on the Way Back Machine too.

you can access all your deleted data from

2. Google Web Cache

This is another great tool by Google that stores indexed webpages in its cache that can be viewed later. It stores the latest indexed pages of a website and doesn’t store a date wise copy like Wayback Machine.

If you have deleted any web page that can be found on this service. This is one of the best tools by Google Itself to recover your lost data.

Above are the 2 tools we are descriving here to Undelete a Blogger Blog. Let’s follow the below steps.

Steps To Follow For Recovering Permanently Deleted Blogger Blog?

  • First, go to
  • Enter the URL of your deleted Blogger Blog.
  • The Wayback Machine will show all the information about your deleted blog.
  • Now the real work starts. Gather all the link want to restore
  • After that create a new blog on blogger with the same domain name as your old blog, Then import all the content you want to restore to the new blog.
  • It is not an automatic process and you have to do it manually. Enter all the links you want to restore in the Wayback Machine and import them to your new blog.
  • Make sure to keep the same URL address of your new blog as the old one. After that publish the article.

We know that this is not an easy task to do. But if you want to undelete a blogger blog you have to do it. There is no other method to restore your permanently deleted blogger blog.

Sometimes you only need to restore a single blog post which you have deleted. In that case, you don’t need to do these above-complicated tasks.

You just have to follow these below steps to recover the deleted blogger blog post.

Ways to Recover Deleted Blogger Blog Post

There are many methods for recovering a deleted blog post on blogger. But here we are sharing the best 4 Method to undelete a blogger blog post. Those are:

  1. Google Page Cache
  2. Blogger Draft Post
  3. FeedBurner
  4. Way Back Machine

If you want to recover your deleted blogger post then you must follow any of these steps.

#1. Undelete Blog Post with Google Cache

Do you know whenever you publish an article on blogger Google indexes it save it as a cache version. It also makes updates to the cached version when the article got updated.

This process is done by Google Crawler. All your post within your site is crawled by Google’s crawler and indexes it. Also, it keeps a cache of that blog post.

To restore the deleted post you have to find the Cache version of your deleted blog post.

How To Find The Cache Version Of Deleted Blog Posts

To do this you need to find the web cache URL of your deleted blog.

  • Visit Google and type + deleted post title in the search box and press enter.
  • Do you know the URL of your deleted post, then type cache:DeletedBlogPostURL and press enter to view the cached version of your deleted blog post.
  • After searching for + deleted post title, google will show you all the index pages related to your given blog. Find the deleted post you want to recover.
  • Click on the tiny drop-down arrow button in the permalink of your deleted blog post and click on cached. It will load the cached version of your deleted blog post.
  • Now copy all the content you need to restore from that blog post and paste in some MS Word for future use.

Now its time to restore that cached version to a real blog post.

How To Publish The Cache Version Of Deleted Blog Post With Real One

We hope you have the cached version of your blog post with you. But to get the original ranking and traffic you have to do some more tasks. To get the previous ranking and organic traffic you need to restore that cached version with its original permalink.

To do that follow these steps:

  • Open the cached version and goto page source by hitting Ctrl+U or you can simply right-click and select view page source.
  • After that, you have to find the postID. To do that search for postID by clicking Ctrl+F on the cached page. It will be like postID=11117**********2222.
  • Now open your blogger and select the post on which you want to paste those cached content.
  • You can also open a new blog post and click on edit and go to the visual editor. Move to the address bar and find postID and replace it with the postID of the cached version of your deleted blog.
  • Press enter and you are done.  Now publish the post to get your deleted blog post with its ranking and organic visitors.
  • We hope this method works for you. If not then you can follow the below methods to Undelete Your Deleted Blogger Blog Post.

#2. Recover Deleted Blog Post – Unpublished & Draft Post

Recovering your deleted blog post using this method is only possible if you have not deleted your internet browser history. In this method, a deleted blog post can be recovered using browsing history.

Follow the below steps to undelete the deleted draft post:

  1. Open your browser and press Ctrl+H or Shift+Ctrl+H to view your browser history.
  2. This will show you your recent browsing activities. After that, search for a drafted blog post or edited post.
  3. Open the drafted post. It will show you all the content including images of your deleted or drafted blog post.

Just compy all those content in an HTML editor and post it where you want to update it. You can create a new blog post and paste those contents.

#3. Undelete A Removed Blog Post With The Help Of FeedBurner

Google Feed Burner is the best tool for maximizing the reach of your audience. But it can also be used to recover your deleted blog post. 

It is because when you published a blog post on your blog The Google-Feed Burner automatically creates another version of that blog post. You have to visit the feed address of your blog to undelete your deleted blogger post.

Inside the Google-Feed Burner, you will find all the listed blog feeds with all post contents.

Note: If you have set your blogger feed settings to Allow blog feed to Short and Until Jump Break then this method is not going to work. In that case, it is impossible to undelete your blog post.

#4. Using The Way Back Machine

If you have tried all of the above methods and still unable to restore your blog post then no worry. You can try this last method to undelete your blogger blog post.

Find Remove posts on Wave Machine: a directory of web files. It is a digital library that permanently stores all Internet files. Go to and enter the deleted Post’s URL in the search field and click Browse History.

You can try to recover deleted web pages.

Alternatively, you can use the Cached View to view the cached files of any web page on the Internet, such as Google Web Cache, Corel Web Cache, Cache and live version.


We tried our best to give you a proper solution on How To Undelete Blog that is permanently deleted. These above methods are 100% working and tested by us.

So you can use any one of them to recover your permanently deleted blogger blog post. Still, no methods works for you then please comment below.

We will find some other method to restore the deleted blog post. If you have any other doubts in your mind then please ask in the comment section. We will try our best to solve your query.

We hope this article helped you and you have successfully undeleted your blog post.

If you liked this article, then please share to social networking site. You can also find us on Twitter,Facebook and Instagram.

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