Python File I/O

Indroduction of File System

A file in python usually categorized as either text or binary,a text file is often structured as a sequence of line and a line is a sequence of characters.the line is terminated by a EOF character.

The most common line end with ',' or the newline character.the backslash character indicates that the next character will be treated as a newline.


The open a file for writing use the buil-i open() return a file object,and is most commonly used with two arguments.


file_object = open(filename,mode)


The mode arguments is optional,the modes can be:

      'r' - when the file will only be read.

      'w' - for only writing.

      'a' - Open the file for appending.

      'r+' - open the file for both reading and writing.

f = open('testfile.txt','w');

How to Create a text File

In python create a text file first create a text file,you can name it anything you like following example.

f = open('testfile.txt','w');

How to Write a Text File

The write method takes one parameter,which is the string to be written.

file = open("test.txt","w");



How to Read a Text File

In python read a file the following example of read file in python.

file = open('text.txt'.'r');




When you are done with a file,call file.close() to close it and free up any system resources taken up by the open file.

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